SEO Chatter

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Seeing your SEO keywords in Google Analytics

Hey Reader! Have you ever tried to see your website's SEO keywords in Google Analytics before? Perhaps you've clicked around the dashboard and were met with the dreaded (not provided) or (not
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Benefits of a Google My Business Profile

Hiya Reader, Did you know that people are 70% more likely to visit a business if it has a Google My Business Profile? Or that 56% of actions on Google Business listings are visits to the company's
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New post: SEO keyword ranking analysis

Hey there Reader! Today's blog post is hot off the presses. I literally just clicked published on a new article about keyword ranking analysis and wanted to make sure you knew it was live and ready
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👉 20% OFF keyword credits ends today

As I'm writing this to you Reader, there's only 14 hours 25 minutes and 10 seconds left to get the 20% OFF deal on keyword credits at LowFruits. You can Try LowFruits for Free here with my
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Check out this keyword research tool

Super quick update Reader. I've been testing out a new keyword research tool called LowFruits. In fact, it's going to fuel a batch of articles I write for SEO Chatter. There's nothing else
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Backlinks vs referring domains for SEO

Everybody talks about backlinks for SEO Reader. But it's rare to hear someone mention referring domains. However, both backlinks and referring domains are two crucial components of a healthy
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⏰ Course bundle closes soon...

Reader, I wanted to send you a quick reminder about Jon Dykstra's Fat Stacks Bundle. Enrollment closes tomorrow, May 15, 2022. Click on my affiliate link below to find out all the ways Jon's
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H1 tag best practices for SEO

A lot of people underestimate the power of the H1 tag for SEO Reader. Yet, this one small HTML element can have a huge impact on your keyword rankings. Not to mention, if you get things wrong with the
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How many keywords per page for SEO?

That question keeps popping up everywhere Reader. Other varieties include: Should I stick to a certain keyword density? Do I have to create a new web page for every keyword variation? Does content
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Fixed Link for Jon's course

Reader, The link I sent in the previous emails for Jon's Fat Stacks Bundle was not working for iphone and Android devices. I just fixed it. If you had problems accessing the course overview page
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🔥 Jon's course just re-opened

Reader, I just got word that Jon Dykstra re-opened his popular Fat Stacks Bundle. But it's only for a limited time. Jon is one of the most trusted people in the niche website building industry with
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3 ways to check your keyword rankings

Hey Reader, Do you know where your website ranks on Google? And which keywords it actually ranks for? If you're like most us, then you're at least tracking individual keyword rankings to keep
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Can you answer this SEO trivia question?

I've got a bit of SEO trivia for you today Reader. Here it is: Do you know how long backlinks take to work? As in, how quickly you can see an increase in keyword rankings from a single new backlink
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Benefits of backlinks

Hey Reader, A lot of people think backlinks are only good for increasing website's rankings. However, there are many other ways backlinks can help with your digital marketing strategy that don'
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Update: Surefire SEO Course Invitation

Reader, I've got a quick update for you about the Surefire SEO Course. Several people reached out to me saying they wanted to get into the course, but they couldn't pay in full by the
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Surefire SEO Course Invitation

I have something new to share with you Reader. If you've been following me for any amount of time, then you've probably heard me talk about the Surefire SEO Mastermind. I started the program
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New case studies available

Happy May Reader! I've got some new case studies to help fuel your progress for the month. The first batch of case studies are all about improving your affiliate marketing strategy. ​Affiliate
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Ezoic vs Mediavine for your website

Hey Reader, When it comes to monetizing your website with display ads, there are two networks that get a lot of attention: Ezoic and Mediavine. That's because these two advertising platforms accept
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Good SEO books and backlink management

Hey Reader, I've got two great blog posts for you today. The first post is getting a ton of buzz on Twitter. So far it has 18054 impressions, 46 retweets, and 175 likes. That's pretty viral for
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Here's a fun fact about me...

Before I got into SEO and niche website building, Reader, I was obsessed with video editing. In fact, that's what I got my college degree in. For many years, I created motion graphics, commercials,